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Let Me Guess


Today, I want to play a game with you. It's called "Let Me Guess". I will ask you a series of questions and try to guess the answers. Are you ready?

Question 1

Think of a number between 1 and 10. Got it? Now, let me guess... Is it 7?

Question 2

Next, I want you to think of a color. Any color at all. Now, let me guess... Is it blue?

Question 3

Now, think of a country. Any country in the world. Let me guess... Is it France?

Question 4

For the last question, think of a type of food. Ready? Let me guess... Is it pizza?


How did I do? Did I guess any of your answers correctly? Whether I got them right or wrong, I hope you had fun playing "Let Me Guess" with me. It's always interesting to see if we can read each other's minds. Let's play again sometime!