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question 1: How do you pronounce "Wednesday"?

The correct pronunciation of "Wednesday" is wenz-dei. The "d" is silent in this word.

question 2: How do you say "comfortable"?

The correct pronunciation of "comfortable" is kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl. Note that the second syllable is stressed in this word.

question 3: How do you pronounce "often"?

The word "often" is pronounced as aw-fuhn, with the "t" being silent. However, it is also common for people to pronounce the "t," so both pronunciations are considered acceptable.

question 4: How do you say "recipe"?

The correct pronunciation of "recipe" is res-uh-pee. The stress is on the first syllable in this word.

question 5: How do you pronounce "caramel"?

The word "caramel" can be pronounced as kar-uh-muhl or kar-muhl, with both pronunciations being widely used and accepted.