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Dear Zake, Are You Ready for 26? | July, 2019


A Journey to 26: A Letter from Your Past Self

In the annals of time, a 25-year-old Zake pens a letter to their younger self in 2019, embarking on a monthly reflection that has reached its 44th installment. This July's reflection marks a turning point, a candid life audit:

Charting Progress: Assessing the past six months against set milestones.
Growth and Preparation: Pinpointing areas for evolution, as the threshold of 26 looms.
Tough Decisions: While progress is visible, daunting dilemmas call for resolution.

The Workplace Struggle

Life's paradox lies in the paradox itself - a mind brimming with knowledge and connections yet yearning for deeper satisfaction. Daily tasks feel mundane, lacking the spark of purpose. A tug-of-war between urgent demands and the desire to contribute, it's like trying to nourish a garden with a water bottle, barely reaching 30% of its potential.

Amidst the rift with corporate ambitions, Zake finds solace in nurturing a passionate project on Bilibili, the creative process becoming a lifeline. Late nights spent editing, sometimes stretching until dawn, fuel this passion project,??????????????????????

As a project manager, Zake wonders if it's possible to harmonize passion with a demanding work schedule, ending before midnight. The unwavering support of coworkers provides a reason to stay, their encouragement and understanding a beacon of light.

Since embarking on a 30-day challenge, daily goals and motivation have become the cornerstone of their video journey, reshaping their work-life dynamic and keeping them energized.

Experiments have surpassed expectations:

Life Transformation: Building habits, 30-day challenges push boundaries.
Video Success: A 30-day challenge yields 100,000 views on Bilibili.
Finance Foundations: Ramit Sethi's wealth management and AIP basics.

The intellectual feast:

Love and Relationships: Matthew Hussey's insights on lasting love, 'Of Course They Cheated.'
Systems Thinking: A new perspective on problem-solving.
Financial Wisdom: Ramit Sethi's finance advice, 'The Attention Diet.'
Tech Impact: Blockchain's significance in the modern world.

With a final note to the future Zake:

The Call to Embrace: Cherish every moment, for life is the greatest adventure.

This introspective journey offers a roadmap to growth, resilience, and the pursuit of a life well-lived.