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Here are some beautiful sentences from \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\" in English.

V2. 问: 爱丽丝梦游仙境中的英文好句

答: Here are some great sentences from \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\" in English.

V3. 问: 求 爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文 小说版 中的 经典语句 20句,和小说中人物的名字...

答: Here are 20 classic quotes from the English novel version of \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\" along with the names of the characters in the novel.

V4. 问: 爱丽丝梦游仙境好句子110个(英语)

答: Here are 110 great sentences from \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\" in English.

V5. 问: 爱丽丝梦游仙境的优美句子

答: Here are some beautiful sentences from \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.\"

V6. 问: 《爱丽丝漫游奇境》好句(比喻句、拟人句)

答: Here are some great sentences from \"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\" including metaphors and personifications.